Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
A duck walks into a bar.
I took this from joke-of-the-day.com, and it linked me to two guys in Malaysia.
A duck walks into a bar and asks: "Got any Bread?"
Barman says: "No."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No, we have no bread."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No, we haven't got any bread!"
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No, are you deaf?! We haven't got any bread, and if you ask me again and I'll nail your dang beak to the bar you irritating dang duck!"
Duck says: "Got any nails?"
Barman says: "No"
Duck says: "Got any bread?
(Who is the duck, and who is the barman then?)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Religion Debatas
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Senior Citizens of Selangor
MBPJ has started a free bus service for senior citizens at particular routes. Also, Dr Xavier Jayakumar (Exco for Caring Society) would welcome any further suggestions to improve the quality of life of senior citizens.
You may forward your suggestions to his office at 5th Floor, Bangunan SSAAS, 40000 Shah Alam.
As for grants for the Senior Citizen Club - one can make an application to the ADUN as well as MBPJ. I believe the max grant for clubs and persatuan in an ADUN's area is up to RM2500.
The information as detailed below is accurate.
Senior citizens who are 60 years old and above to apply their allowance only once in a life time which is at RM3,500.00.
Procedure as follow:-
1) fill in the form
2) attach a copy of your parents i/c
3) submit to S.U.K. Shah Alam (in front of IPK Polis).
4) RM500.00 will release to your parents after submission (in short time period they will get it).
Government will update records and will arrange for interview with your parents for the will that balance RM3,000.00 to which children's account after they pass away. The above application just for senior citizen whoever stay in Selangor only.
You may submit the above application to S.U.K. Shah Alam on behalf of your parents.
If you have any further inquiries, you may contact 03-55447450 to find out more details.
Elizabeth Wong
ADUN Bukit Lanjan
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
RM45m city overtime bill
A staggering RM45 million! That is the amount of City Hall overtime claims last year.
The RM45 million that City Hall paid out to its 11,200 employees in 27 departments averages to RM4,017 per employee. And up to June this year, City Hall forked out RM31 million in overtime.
The bulk of the claims was made by staff in three departments: petty traders management and development, health and licensing department and public works department.
Kuala Lumpur Mayor Ab Hakim Borhan said the huge amount of overtime payment showed that there were some discrepancies in the management of the employees' schedules.
"It is our responsibility to ensure that the city is well kept and properly managed and that is the reason we allow our employees overtime claims. But that does not mean it should reach this level. There has been some poor management and staff scheduling.
"Clocking in long hours doesn't necessarily mean that they are working. For all we know they could be coming into office to do other things apart from office work," he said.
To counter the abuse of overtime claims, Hakim said City Hall would set up a task force to monitor the work schedules of all its staff.
"Logically, if all the employees are working overtime, there shouldn't be any complaints against City Hall (from the public). There shouldn't be any problems with our reports and there would be no illegal activities in the city and enforcement would have been carried out in a proper manner."
"Over the years City Hall has faced a lot of challenges which cover many aspects mainly the quality of work. However, I would like to emphasise one important aspect of City Hall which is playing the part as service provider.
"Lately, the public has doubted our ability, reliability and integrity.
So, what is the basis of their doubts? Do they simply want to criticise our work?
I don't think so. I believe that city folk are mature enough to judge for themselves and express their doubts.
"There have been a lot of reports in the newspapers criticising City Hall and the complaints keep piling up. This is not nice to see and the perception that the public has on City Hall is also not positive. So, I believe that we have to double our efforts and work harder," he said.
"I hope that all City Hall employees and officers will change their culture so that City Hall can work towards making Kuala Lumpur a world class city," he said, after presenting certificates to 670 City Hall staff for excellent service.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Simple Rules for Healthy Life
- Don't overeat, smoke or drink too much.
- Exercise and diet
- Daydream
- Meditation
- Men should exercise and eat well, to get better sex.
Check out inside human body.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Petrol subsidy, what subsidy?
Let me make a simple comparison between Malaysia and Australia to show that we have been cheated all these years.
1. Per capita income of Australia (USD35,990.00) is more than 6 times that of Malaysia (USD5,490.00) in 2006. (Source: World Bank)
2. Starting pay of a graduate in Malaysia RM2,500.00 per month and in Australia AUD4,000.00 (RM12,000.00) per month.
3. Price of one liter of petrol in Malaysia RM2.70 and in Australia AUD1.75 (RM5.25). The price differential is RM2.55 a liter.
Assume we buy a similar new car in both countries, a 1.8L Honda Civic Auto cost RM110,000.00 in Malaysia and AUD24,000.00 (RM72,000.00) in Australia. That is a difference of RM38,000.00. If we divide the price differential of the car with the cost of petrol, 38,000/2.55=14,900 liters of petrol. This means that an owner of a Honda Civic will upon consuming the first 14,900 liters of petrol is actually not getting a single cent of subsidy from the government.
The cost of a new Honda Civic in Malaysia is equivalent to 44 months salary of a fresh graduate. In Australia it is 6 months salary of a fresh graduate. It is a known fact that according to our previous Minister of MITI she openly admitted that the government is now dependent on car duty as an important source of government revenue.
So where has the trillions of ringgit collected all these years gone?
I was holidaying in Australia recently, we drove about 8,000 km from Melbourne to Perth and return, and guess what? No TOLL all the way. The road condition is similar to that of our Malaysian roads.
The state of public transportation in this country is a joke and the government will never improve public transportation as this will force Malaysians to buy the national car!
If we look at the big picture it looks as if we Malaysians have been taken for a ride the Malaysian government all these years without realizing it. We have been fooled and conned by the Malaysian government into believing that the government has been so kind to us by subsidizing our petrol.
The government treated the rakyat like bodoh, yes for 50 years the rakyat are suckers, but, come the next election is pay back time. Then, you see who is the real "sucker".
Friday, July 25, 2008
Millions paid to RM650 company
LONDON : The Youth and Sports Ministry entered into a multi-million ringgit agreement to host a football tournament with a company with a paid-up capital of just RM650 and accumulated losses exceeding RM6.5 million.
If it had carried out a due diligence test, as is required by practice and convention, before entering into an agreement involving such a big amount of money, it certainly would not have parted with RM17 million as "bidding fees" to host the Champions Youth Cup (CYC) tournament last year. And certainly, it would not have parted with RM8 million as "advance" for this year’s tournament, which has since been aborted.
For the record, the tournament held in four venues was a failure in terms of crowd support, gate collections and television viewership, despite promises of "Malaysia being mentioned several hundred times in international dispatches".
Both the ministry and the London-based Gifted Group Ltd are now embroiled in a controversy over the now-aborted tournament after the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) refused to sanction the tournament. Both Gifted and the ministry have threatened to sue each other for breach.
All this could have been avoided if only officials in the ministry had carried out checks.
Gifted Group’s Jonathan James Price and former youth and sports minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said had always maintained that the monies paid to the company were "bidding fees" but nowhere in the world does any country "bid" to host any tournament for three consecutive years.
But an examination of Gifted Group’s filings with the Companies House here (the equivalent of Companies Commission of Malaysia) revealed that the RM17 million from Malaysia may have pulled Gifted Group out of financial trouble.
According to its accounts, it had accumulated losses of £1.044 million as of June 30, 2006. No further returns have been filed.
Price holds 74% of the shares (the other 26% being held by Indigo Holdings Ltd) and has six other subsidiaries of which only one – Gifted Management Ltd – is active. It, too, incurred losses of £58,000 (RM375,000) in 2005, which was carried forward the following year although records show there was no trading or transactions.
The records also show that the company has an outstanding loan of £600,000 (RM3.8 million) from an unnamed investor at an interest of 2% per annum. Interest due was £46,358 (RM299,000) and was to be settled on or before Nov 8 last year. The CYC was launched on March 16, 2007 and the tournament held in August. There have been no subsequent filings of company accounts.
Efforts by the Sun to seek comments from Gifted Group drew a blank as it is operating from an office suite complex in upmarket central London, a stone’s throw from Parliament House, to which access is restricted by receptionists who control access to all offices there.
Reached by phone from the reception at the ground floor, Price’s secretary, someone who gave her name as Marissa, said her boss was out of town. They have yet to return calls to the Sun.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Money - RM5 billion loss, more waste and losses
The Government had also wasted money - RM2 billion in Terengganu.
Thinking that he had the right to use Wang Ehsan, the royalty from Petronas to the State of Terengganu totalling more than five billion Ringgit over several years Dato Seri Abdullah together with Dato Seri Idris Jusoh, the former Menteri Besar of Terengganu went on a spending spree.
Then in 2008, Barisan Nasional won and Abdullah happily decided to spend more of the Wang Ehsan on fancy projects.
Unfortunately the Sultan of Terengganu refused to have Idris Jusoh as Menteri Besar. It was a slap in the face for Abdullah when he was forced to accept the Sultan's nominee as Menteri Besar.
This new Menteri Besar insisted that the royalty due to Terengganu should be paid to the State and the State should manage the fund.
This was as it should be. But the Menteri Besar insisted that what was spent before this in building the theme park, organising the Monsoon Cup etc worth about RM 2 billion was not from the royalty due to Terengganu. It was from Federal fund.
He demanded that the full amount of royalty over the years should be paid to Terengganu.
So RM2 billion of Federal funds have been expended on Terengganu, the richest State in Malaysia.
Failing this Terengganu has a court case initiated by the PAS Government which the BN State Government has not withdrawn.
The Federal Government will now have to find some RM5 billion to give to Terengganu. Where is this money going to come from? Obviously from the Federal Consolidated Fund.
Basically the Federal Government will lose RM5 billion because it had assumed that a tame Terengganu Menteri Besar would collaborate in some of the most wasteful projects for the State and the country.
I am told that a Disneyland designer was engaged to design the "Crystal Mosque" and theme park. Must cost a lot.
Some contractors made tons of money getting projects without proper processes.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Double Standard - Malaysian Education Sucks!!
Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s daughter, Nooryana Najwa has been accepted into Georgetown University in Washington DC to read politics and international relations after doing her IB (International Baccalaureate).
Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein and Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s children are academically smart. However, it seems like both of them did not sit for SPM.
Before doing her IB, Nooryana had her education in Garden International School. Najib’s son, Norashman Razak had his education there too.
But Garden International School bases its curriculum on the National Curriculum of England. It teaches the English National Curriculum through Key Stages 1 to 4 and Cambridge ‘A’ Level.
So why weren’t Datuk Seri Najib’s and Datuk Seri Hishamuddin’s children following the Malaysian Education System? Were our DPM and current Education Minister trying to be kind to not let the government subsidize their kids’ education by sending their offsprings to a private school instead of national schools?
Or is it that both Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein do not have confidence in the Malaysian Education System because it is too crap that they had to sent their kids to a private school which follows the English National Curriculum so that their kids would not be screwed up by the already screwed-up education system in Malaysia?
Why didn’t your kids go through like anybody else, SPM, then Matriculation or STPM before gaining admission to Uni.
Here, you government expect our kids to fight among ourselves to gain entry into local universities and make us believe in our Malaysian Education System, there, you guys send your kids overseas at the expense of the Govt.
This is practising double standard.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
No oil royalty was used to purchase 14 Mercedes E200 Kompressors at RM3.43 million as official cars for Terengganu executive councillors and senior state government officials, according to Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said.
In defending the state government's decision to purchase the expensive cars to replace the Proton Perdana V6 Executive cars for the same official use, he said it was meant to save cost in the long run as the maintenance of the Proton Perdana cars was too high."We are not saying that the national car is not good, but the reality is that in less than two years of use, the cars had to be repaired due to faulty components like the gear box.
"For example, the car used by the Trade, Industry and Environment Committee chairman Toh Chin Yaw had been repaired twice costing RM50,000. But the Merdeces cars, although expensive to purchase, will incur us less maintenance cost in the long term," he explained.
Ahmad was asked by reporters about the reported purchase of the Mercedes cars, after attending a 'tahlil' function held in conjunction with the birthday of the Terengganu Sultan, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, at Istana Maziah here, Sunday.
The function was also attended by Terengganu Regency Advisory Council member Tengku Sri Laksamana Raja Tengku Sulaiman Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin Shah, state executive councillors and state assemblymen.
Ahmad said the purchase of the Mercedes E200 cars was financed by a sum allocated earlier by the state government and not by oil royalty."How could we use the oil royalty when we have not even received it from the federal government?" he said.-- BERNAMA
Thursday, July 17, 2008
US Election's effects on Drugs Companies
Obama’s Nasty Effect on Pharmaceutical Companies
By Charles Delvalle
Some of the most solid opportunities in the stock market are those that happen because of politics. Let’s face it, the government controls billions of dollars and could make or break industries. The effect an Obama presidency could have on Pharmaceutical companies is one you should be well aware of.
As many of you may know, Barack Obama (and democrats in general) is in favor of importing medicines from overseas, allowing the government to negotiate lower prices with drug companies, and increasing the use of generics. Sounds good for us, but not for big pharmaceutical companies.
First, if the use of generics increases, that means big pharmaceutical companies will make less sales. Second, drug companies charge Americans up to two times more for medicine than European or Canadians. If they have to cut those profits in half because the U.S. negotiated lower prices, that means they receive less profits. If they receive fewer profits you can be sure that their stock prices will fall.
So do yourself a favor and stay away from pharmaceutical companies until after November 11.
Adopted from Investors Daily
The 2008 Election: What does it mean for drugmakers?
February 6, 2008
By Maureen Martino
The winner of the 2008 election will be faced with making key decisions on a number of issues important to drug developers. Questions as to whether there will be more federal funding for stem cell research, a faster path for biogenerics, or a change to the structure of the nation’s healthcare system will have to be addressed by the next president, and how they tackle those issues will have serious repercussions for the industry. Here’s a look at the front-runners’ stance on several topics vital to the biotech and pharmaceutical industries.
Barack Obama supports:
- Reimportation of drugs
- Greater generic drug use by Medicare, Medicade, ect
- Establishing a government institute for comparative research between drugs.
- Allowing the government to purchase prescription drugs in bulk to reduce costs.
- Universal healthcare
- Embryonic stem cell (ESC) research
Hilary Clintion supports:
- Doubling NCI and NHC funding
- Increaseing the number of patients involved in cancer clinical trials.
- A pathway for biogenerics
- Lower prescription drug costs and universal health care
- Giving Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices
- Stricter control of drug advertising
- ESC research
John McCain supports:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
High time our King steps in
To achieve their (BN) objective to remain in power, they are now dragging in our army. All this wrongdoing needs be corrected by someone who is above all of us, and that is our King.
The King is the right person to intervene to diffuse the political tension once and for all.
Our BN government is not much different from the junta which administers Burma except that they (the junta) run the army and we are run by the police.
The main task of the police is to keep the country in order but here they are creating more chaos for example Monday’s road blocks.
It’s high time that our King interferes to make things right before the rakyat reacts. We are treated like fools by the ruling government and no one is coming to rescue us.
I appeal to our King to please come forward to correct the situation as well as to return the country’s balance.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Pak Li can one

You think the Govt can subsidize so can our
friendly neighbourhood kopitiam "Pak Li".
I suggest you guys who likes to hang out at
mamak (cut throat buggers) or kopi shop (kiasu)
to patronize "Pak Li Kopitiam",
cheap, clean and nice environment,
and you know what
free "Wi-fi" also man..
Clowns with suit in the market
One shows an obscene hand gesture shamelessly and feels so proud that he has done something wonderful while the other talks so much about one male goat giving service to eighty female goats in Kelantan.
What have these two things got to do with Parliament? The people`s representatives are there to talk and debate on important issues regarding the country but the two clowns have turned this place into an entertainment centre.
Malaysian voters should be wise enough to cast their votes in the next GE. We should not be wasting money on these jokers who are there to make fun and thus giving the country a bad image.
People who cannot contribute positively to the country should not be there at all.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Watermelon Replaces Viagra
"Watermelons contain an ingredient called citrulline that can trigger production of a compound that helps relax the body's blood vessels, similar to what happens when a man takes Viagra, said scientists in Texas, one of the nation's top producers of the seedless variety."
You can divide it to more than four pieces..
Watermelon juice may rise above $144 per barrel.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
A recipe a day
Summer is finally here and I thought why not start with a chilled soup and
Here bit is...
GAZPACHO Soup - Spanish traditional soup
This is the classic chilled soup, originating from Spain. There are many variants of this soup but this is the simplest most 'peasant' variation, going back to the soup's roots, in effect.
- 2 slices day old bread, with crusts removed
- 4 large ripe tomatoes, blanched, peeled and seeded
- 2 small green peppers, de-seeded and chopped
- 1 small cucumber, chopped
- 1 small onion chopped
- 3 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
- 6 tbsp sherry vinegar
- 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, salt, black pepper and lemon juice, to season
Soak the bread in just enough water to cover. Meanwhile add the tomatoes, bellpeppers, onion, garlic and cucumber to a blender and blitz to a smooth purée (add a little water and process in small batches, if necessary).
Squeeze a little of the excess water from the bread then add to the blender along with the sherry vinegar and oil. Render to a smooth paste (adding as much extra water as necessary). Tip the soup into a bowl and season with salt, lemon juice and black pepper, as necessary.
Place the soup in a bowl and chill well. Serve garnished with a swirl of olive oil and chopped tomatoes, red bell pepper, cucumber, onion and a few croutons.
Courtesy by our good friend,
Chef Gill
EATING FRUITS...Crucial Knowledge!

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths.. It's not so easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat.
What is the correct way of eating fruits?
If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.
Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit.. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.
In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit omes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to
So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining - every time I eat water-melon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat banana I feel like running to the toilet etc - actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!
Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will not happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.
There is no such thing as some fruits like orange and lemon are acidic because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter.
If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.
When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.
But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must Let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.
You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you ook!
KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin E and fiber. Its Vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.
APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Although an apple has a low Vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which nhances the activity of Vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.
STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessels-clogging free radicals.
ORANGE : Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 -4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer.
WATERMELON: Coolest Thirst Quencher Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene - the> cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are Vitamin C & Potassium.
GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for Vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high Vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.
Drinking Cold water after meal = Cancer! Can you believe this?? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and
lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks
Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of
people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this...It could save your life!!
Let's say it's 6.15 pm and you're driving home. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five
miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
"So nice, my precious"
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"Golden Hand Shake"
Why RM 1.5 Million to these ex-justices?
At a time when the government is cutting back on spending, why give these ex-judges such high ex-gratia payments when:
1. The case that led to their dismissal has not been properly over-turned in court.
2. Those that were dismissed actually still received their pensions, out of kindness of the ex-PM.
3. Now I hear that some of those who didn't even get dismissed are getting this ex-gratia payment! For what!
Since the government is so generous, why not give back every rakyat the same amount as token of appreciation.
What say YOU!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Altantuya Shaariibuu

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
It takes 2 to tango
Yes, the direction and final outcome of Malaysian politics is subject to the moves of many political heavyweights. Anwar Ibrahim, Dr M, Daim , PM, DPM, Mrs. DPM, MY; they all have a bearing on what we are going to see come Christmas Day 2008. One person’s move changes the equation even further. And if everyone makes a move one can only guess what the final outcome will be.
In the meantime, Anwar is going to court to get his September 1998 sacking as DPM declared illegal and a violation of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. If he succeeds then PM has to reinstate him as Malaysia’s DPM, by order of the court. But Malaysia already has a DPM.
Yes, but if the current is forced to resign because of his wife’s implication in the Altantuya murder, and if it can be proven that his office is involved, then he's dead meat and there will be a vacancy for the post of DPM of Malaysia.
Daim, however, does not want PM to retire just yet. He needs PM around until at least 2010 because it will take him two years to slowly bring back RM3 billion in cash. Yes, more than ten years ago, RM3 billion in RM500 and RM1,000 notes were smuggled out to Indonesia. When Dr M found out he discontinued the usage of RM500 and RM1,000 notes. So the money is now stuck. The notes can, of course, be brought back, but they can’t be used in the open market. Instead, you have to send them to Bank Negara to be changed into smaller notes. And this is where the problem lies. How to bring back RM3 billion in RM500 and RM1,000 notes unless you do it over two years and unless the Finance Minister cum Prime Minister gives his permission for Bank Negara to accept them? So Daim has to ensure that the Finance Minister cum Prime Minister stays on at least until 2010 when the entire RM3 billion can be safely brought back and sent to Bank Negara for conversion into smaller notes. And to ensure that the Finance Minister cum Prime Minister is not kicked out of office, Daim is prepared to spend half the amount to defeat the challengers like TR and M.
TR is not to be discounted just yet either. Over the last few months he has been making his rounds to the Umno branches and he appears to be gaining support. While Daim backs PM, Dr M pressures DPM to bring PM down, PM checks DPM, Anwar makes a bid to get back his DPM’s job and probably becomes the next Prime Minister as well, M ding-dongs between both sides, and much more, TR is slowly and successfully convincing the Umno grass-root that he is the White Knight who will save Umno from itself.
Shemale - the "Billary" factor
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Adobe Acrobat 9 : 4 Major Features
It is now in beta release.
The new release has 4 major features that are summarized as:
- Creation of More Compelling Content
- Enhanced Collaboration
- Enhanced Data Forms
- Miscellaneous Features
Eliminate the plague by killing the rats
Nope, no more read my lips rhetoric please. We have had enough of all this over the last 50 years. What we want now is for you to put your money where your mouth is. ‘Show me the money’, the Americans would say. Yes, money talks, bullshit walks -- and bullshit is what has been dished out these last 50 years. It is time everyone come clean and put their cards on the table, face up. We want to see what hand they are playing with. Do they have a full hand or is this mere poker playing?
How do these countries do it without going bankrupt, if subsidies are supposed to make a country go bankrupt? Britain, for example, has the best education system in the world -- and that is why foreign students do not mind paying high fees to receive a British education, thereby making it possible to subsidise local students. But then Britain’s universities are not headed by BTN operatives whose main function is to brainwash Malay students into believing that Malays own this country under the Ketuanan Melayu concept while the ‘immigrant’ Indians and Chinese should be reminded that they are ‘guests’ of this country and if they don’t like it they can go back to India or China.
Malaysia’s problem is corruption. We spend double what we should because of corruption. Corruption, not subsidies, is what is killing this country’s economy. Corruption, not subsidies, is what is bankrupting Malaysia. Hundreds of billions has been wasted over the last 51 years since Merdeka. These hundreds of billions, if it had been put to good use, could have done a lot for this country. Today, we talk about ending the subsidies because we no longer have any money. But we no longer have any money not because of the subsidies but because of the corruption.
Out of a workforce of 10 million or so, 1.1 million-1.2 million work for the government. This means about 5% of Malaysians work for the government. And why is that? Just go into any government department and see for yourself why. No one is working. Everyone is just sitting around doing nothing. And if you disturb their peace by going to a government office to ask for something just see the fuck face they give you. They forget that we are paying their salaries and that they work for us. We are not disturbing them by going to a government office. It is their job to serve us.
We spend RM10 billion to develop Malaysia and another RM90 billion on administrative costs and ‘leakages’. That is how we spend our RM100 billion. And that is why we have no money. So herein lies the problem. Solve this problem and we will have more money for other things, subsidies included.
No, don’t end subsidies. End wastages, high administrative costs and corruption. Then we will be able to afford subsidies, just like the other countries that also have subsidies can. And this is what we want Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar to talk about. Don’t say ‘read my lips, no more subsidies’. Instead, say ‘read my lips, no more wastages, high administrative costs and corruption’. That is what we want to hear Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar say. And if Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar don’t understand what I am talking about, then step aside and let me show you what I mean. But be prepared for a ‘blood bath’ because only a ‘butcher’s knife’ can achieve the results.
Sigh….I just love the way Iran solved its serious corruption problem in 1979. They lined up 10,000 corrupted civil servants and shot them all. No more corrupted government officers, no more corruption. How I wish I had been born in Iran instead of England. I would have had a great time in 1979. Sigh…..
Friday, June 13, 2008
Do U Believe in Bad Luck ?
Let me try to illustrate it to you.
I was at Starbucks (Amcorp Mall) at around 4pm. I wasn't feeling hyper today due to slight fever.
So, as human nature, when the body is weaken, the mind starts to purify itself.
I found a place and sat there comfortably, trying to do many things on the Internet.
It wasn't low time, the place (Starbucks) was filled with people.
Suddenly, came walking in a stranger dressed in black T-Shirt. He was trying to market something or maybe donation. He approached people starting from the door and since I am in the purifying process, I feel that I would definitely entertain this poor fella.
One by one, he was rejected by the people he approached. I waited anxiously until he reached my place and I didn't try to look into his eyes.
You know what ?????
He skipped me.
He left.
Damn, is he bad luck or me ?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Some Say No Subsidy : An economist's perspectives
Malaysian PerCapita Income USD 5000
Singaporean PerCapita Income USD 25000
Further someone made a comparison of prices in Thailand , Singapore and Indonesia .
For Thailand it is quoted at RM3.90/liter, however are they aware that in Thailand new cars are cheaper than Malaysia by RM10,000? They pay only one life time for their driving license? No renewal fee after that? Also that goes for road tax as well? And does he also aware that you can drive all the way from Hadtyai to Bangkok on a six lane highway without paying any Tolls ??!!
Whereas here in Malaysia you have to pay yearly renewal for road tax , driving license and TOLLS, TOLLS, TOLLS!!!
For Singapore how can you quote RM 5.20 ? Please quote in Singapore Dollars because they are earning in Sing Dollars. You might as well say Europeans are paying RM10/liter. RM5.20/liter = Sing $ 2.20/liter, still cheaper than Malaysia in view of fact that Singapore is not a crude oil exporter. Are you saying that you fill up petrol in Singapore by paying Ringgit?
In economy, dollar to dollar must be compared as apple to apple. Not comparing like durian in M'sia is much cheaper than durian in Japan!! Of course-lah, Japan is not durian producer!!! Comparing Malaysian durian with Thailand durian make more sense!!
For Indonesia we might say is cheaper there at RM2.07/liter but compare that to their level of income!
Now, let us compare the price with OIL PRODUCING countries:
- UAE - RM1.19/litre
- Eygpt - RM1.03/litre
- Bahrain - RM0.87/litre
- Qatar - RM0.68/litre
- Kuwait - RM0.67/litre
- Saudi Arabia - RM0.38/litre
- Iran - RM0.35/litre
- Nigeria - RM0.32/litre
- Turkmenistan - RM0.25/litre
- Venezuela - RM0.16/litre
- MALAYSIA - RM2.70/litre
RM 2.70!!! Individual perspective:
As of last month a Toyota Vios would 'cause a damage' of about RM 89,000.
In the international market, a Toyota Vios is about USD 19,000
USD 19,000 = RM 62,700 (using the indicative rates of USD 1 = RM 3.30)
That makes Malaysian Vios owners pay an extra RM 26,300.
This RM 26,300 should be cost of operations, profit and tax because the transportation costs have been factored in to the USD 19,000.
RM 26,300/ RM625 petrol rebate per year translates to a Vios being used for 42.08 years.
I do understand that the RM 625 is a rebate given by the government, but it also means that one has to use the Vios for 42.08 years just to make back the amount paid in taxes for the usage of a foreign car. Would anyone use any kind of car for that long?
Now with these numbers in front of us, does the subsidy sound like a subsidy or does it sound like a penalty? This just seems to be a heavy increment in our daily cost of living as we are not only charged with high car taxes but also with a drastic increase in fuel price.
With all the numbers listed out, I urge all Malaysians to buy an economics book and join me in analyzing the situation further. Naked Economics is a good choice.
Car taxation is government profit, fuel sales is Petronas' (GLC) profit which also translates into government profit. The government may ridicule us Malaysians by saying look at the world market and fuel price world wide. Please, we are Malaysians, we fought of the British, had a international port in the early centuries (Malacca), home to a racially mixed nation and WE ARE NOT STUPID!!!
We know the international rates are above the USD 130/barrel. We understand the fact that the fuel prices are increasing worldwide and we also know that major scientist are still contradicting on why this phenomenon is happening. Some blame Bush and his plunders around the world and some blame climate change and there are others which say petroleum 'wells' are getting scarce.
Again we go back to numbers to be more straight fwd
1 barrel = 159 liters x RM2.70/liter = RM 429 or USD 134
On 1 hand, we are paying the full cost of 1 barrel of crude oil with RM2.70 per liter but on the other hand the crude oil only produces 46% of fuel.
Msia sells crude oil per barrel at USD130 buys back Fuel per barrel at USD134. And not forgetting, every barrel of fuel is produced with 2 barrels of crude oil.
1 barrel crude oil = produce 46% fuel (or half of crude oil), therefore
2 barrel crude oil = approximately 1 barrel fuel
In other words, each time we sell 2 barrels of crude oil, equivalently we will buy back 1 barrel of fuel.
Malaysia sell 2 barrel crude oil @ USD 130/barrel = USD 260 = RM 858
then, Malaysia will buy back fuel @ USD 134/barrel = RM 442/barrel
Thus, Malaysia earn net extra USD 126 = RM 416 for each 2 barrel of crude sold/exported vs imported 1 barrel of fuel !!!
(USD 260-134 = USD 126 = RM416)
So where this extra USD 126/barrel income is channeled to by Malaysian Govt???????? ?
Another analysis:
1 barrel crude oil = 159 liters.
46-47% of a barrel of crude oil = fuel that we use in our vehicles.
46% of 159 = 73.14 liters.
@ RM 2.70/liter x 73.14 liter = RM197.48 of fuel per barrel of crude oil. This is only 46% of the barrel, mind you. Using RM 3.30 = USD 1, we get that a barrel of crude oil produces USD 59.84 worth of petrol fuel (46% of 1barrel).
USD 59.84 of USD 130/barrel turns out to be 46% of a barrel as well.
Another 54% = bitumen, kerosene, and natural gases and so many more.
And this makes a balance of USD 70.16 that has not been accounted for.
So this is where I got curious. Where is the subsidy if we are paying 46% of the price of a barrel of crude oil when the production of petrol/barrel of crude oil is still only 46%?
In actual fact, we still pay for this as they are charged in the forms of fuel surcharge by airlines and road taxes for the building of road (because they use the tar/bitumen) and many more excuse charging us but let us just leave all that out of our calculations.
It is quite disappointing to see this happen time and time again to the Malaysian public.
Rebates for rich or poor with the cc of the vehicles may not be an effective measure. An average office clerk may own a second hand 1300cc proton Iswara costing $7,000 (rebate = $625) while the Datuk's children can own a fleet of 10 new cars of BMW, Audi and Volvo all less than 2000cc costing $2 millions and get a total rebate of $625 x 10 = $6,250!
Misleading concept of Subsidy
Ah Chong is a fisherman. He sells a fish to you at $10 which is below the market value of $15. Let's assume that he caught the fish from the abundance of the sea at little or no cost. Ah Chong claims that since the market value of the fish is $15 and he sold you the fish for $10, he had subsidised you $5 and therefore made a loss of $5.
Question : Did Ah Chong actually make a profit of $10 or loss of $5 which he claimed is the subsidy?
Ah Chong makes a profit of $10 which is the difference of the selling price ($10) minus the cost price ($0 since the fish was caught from the abundance of the sea). There is no subsidy as claimed by Ah Chong.
The BN government claims that it is a subsidy because the oil is kept and treated as somebody else's property (you know who). By right, the oil belongs to all citizens of the country and the government is a trustee for the citizens. So as in the above simple example, the BN government cannot claim that it has subsidised the citizen!
The curse of oil
Revenue from Petronas has contributed to 33% of the government’s annual budget, so we were told, but the accounts of Petronas is not made public and that leads to all sorts of negative speculations from concerned citizen. It defies logic that a national institution as important as Petronas which has contributed so much to the nation does not want to be transparent and gain even more respect from all fellow Malaysians. Unless as they say, "benar benar ada udang disebalik batu".
The price of pump price of fuel has risen to a point that threatens the livelihood of most ordinary Rakyat, right thinking citizen can not accept the logic offered by the government and this can easily lead to political instability. As the issue has reached crisis proportion, it is ridiculous that the government still does not deem it necessary to open up the accounts of Petronas together with a comprehensive public review on the state of affairs in Petronas.
As Petronas is headed by a respectable and very qualified accountant, Tan Sri Hassan Merican, we are hopeful that if given the mandate, he can explain how when the price of crude oil increases, a NET exporting country can justify in complaining about the burden of heavier subsidy for the amount consumed domestically. We are not talking about the justification of subsidy, we are merely asking what does subsidy mean in this context.
Further, when budget was deliberated the year before, what was the reference price of fuel which enabled the government to obtain 33% of its budgetary needs from Petronas through various forms of taxes? Now that the current oil price is deemed UNEXPECTEDLY high, wouldn’t our government derive even more from Petronas from such various taxes?
If a NET oil exporting nation is suffering so badly when oil price increases, does it mean that all Malaysians, politicians included, should be jumping up and down in uncontrollable joy if the oil price slumps to USD10 per barrel tomorrow?
Putting all the above asides, what about the 2,500 km Peninsular Gas Pipeline Project linking our rich gas reserve from Tok Arun in Kerteh to every part of Peninsular Malaysia that commenced since 1984 and completed in 1993? Hundreds of millions were invested and for 15 years very little were done to benefit the Rakyat.
For a long while the only NGV station in Klang Valley was near the surau at KLCC which caused massive congestion; some years ago, another one was available in Sri Hartamas and that also caused congestion but also brought much delight to the station owner over his monopolistic rights.
Obviously, within those 15 years, especially during the last ten years when the oil price began to escalate aggressively, many NGV pumps should have been installed and in fact, Proton and Perodua vehicles should be fitted with NGV tanks instead of petrol tanks. That alone will make those two the hottest selling brands in Malaysia and there is no need for APs and other silly protections to our auto industry, such as hefty import duty for imported vehicle.
Yesterday, a certain minister expressed relief that car owners are rushing to install NGV tanks in their vehicle, the minister went on to explain that the government planned to have 200 NGV stations by year end but due to technical problems, there will only be an addition of 24 more on top of the current available 76 NGV stations.
Today, Tan Sri Hassan Merican said we have 96 NGV stations at the moment and due to problems on land acquisitions and problems with local authorities we may have 200 NGV stations only by 2010.
Our government is about to collapse and for 15 years, Petronas could not solve land acquisition problems and could not deal with our local councils to bring much cheaper and cleaner fuel to the Rakyat!
15 years since the Peninsular Gas Pipeline was completed, with proven strong demand for the NGV, our nation will only have 100 NGV stations and mostly in the Klang Valley. Brazil and even Pakistan have more NGV stations though they had much less natural gas reserve than Malaysia. Proton and Perodua are not marketing their products according to our God given national competitive advantage and our Rakyat are compelled to pay RM2.70 for petrol instead of 68 sen for NGV for the same function and even cleaner environment.
We need someone to answer all the above strange phenomena, or is this simply what Mr Freidman described as The Curse Of Oil?
By Toh May FookWednesday, June 11, 2008
Five major challenges facing Malaysia's PM
Burdened by a soaring subsidy bill, his government raised petrol prices by 41 percent last week in a politically unpopular move that could drive inflation to a 10-year high and slow economic growth.
Following are five major challenges facing Abdullah:
- Abdullah's administration faces an acid test to quell mounting anger and, possibly, more organised street protests over the fuel price hikes.
The opposition, emboldened after a good showing in March elections, has proposed bringing 100,000 people to the city centre on July 12 to protest against the fuel hike.
This could be the country's biggest anti-government protest ever, but whether it is allowed to take place remains to be seen. Malaysia bans gatherings of five or more people without a police permit.
- Abdullah, who is also the Finance Minister, will present the 2009 national budget in parliament on Aug. 29. His faces a delicate task of trying to appease voters with generous tax cuts while keeping a tight rein on the fiscal deficit.
- Even before the March election debacle, Abdullah was perceived to be suffering from a credibility problem after flip-flops over policy decisions.
These included the scrapping of a plan to replace Malaysia's side of the causeway to Singapore, drawing a sharp rebuke from ex-premier Mahathir Mohamad and costing the government millions of dollars in compensation to the contractor.
In addition, a ban on the sale of petrol and diesel to foreign motorists at the borders was lifted, days after it was announced last month.
"No one seems to believe him anymore," said one political analyst who declined to be named.
- Former prime minister Mahathir Mahathir Mohamad's shock resignation from United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) and his call for Abdullah to resign late last month has prompted speculation that festering rifts in the party could widen and speed up the premier's exit.
Abdullah has said he would defend his post as leader of UMNO at party elections in December. A win will mean that he remains prime minister.
In a face-saving measure, Abdullah could quietly arrange to hand power over to his stated successor, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, to avoid a humiliating defeat at the December party polls.
- Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's claim that the opposition coalition would be capable of forming the next government by mid-September will continue to unsettle Abdullah.
Anwar has said he has enough lawmakers to topple the government following the March election and was waiting for the right moment.
(Reporting by Jalil Hamid; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani and David Fox)
The horse, cow and the donkey
But then, MalaysiaBoleh - where everything and anything boleh! Never mind that the oil price has been running faster than Usain Bolt for the past few years. Never mind that MalaysiaBoleh has been subsidising the oil price very generously to everyone regardless of whether they deserve it or not. Never mind the deliberate decision to let the public transport system slowly go to rot over the years. Never mind that MalaysiaBoleh with all its natural resources has never really looked to explore and develop alternative fuel resources with the exception of a few ‘lip service’ projects. Never mind that Petronas' coffers - but I won't go into that etc. etc. It's a never ending litany of errors, ill-governance, and apathy for sure. So now, PM finds himself between the devil and the deep blue sea. Under the circumstances would you not have counted the possibility of brickbats whistling in faster than Bruce Lee's fists of fury? I bet if you were the PM you would have. Anyone would have. But he says this is an opportunity for the people to 'change their lifestyle’ and start ‘practising conservation’.
What on earth is that supposed to mean?
Which reminds me of another story:
A horse, a cow and a donkey were having an argument about who had most contributed to the war effort.
The horse said he had done the most -
‘Without me, the soldiers wouldn't have been able to ride off to war’.
The cow said she was the one -
‘Without me, there would have been no one to feed the civilian population’.
The donkey, not to be outdone, said,
‘True....but I was the head of government. Without me, there would have been no war!’
I rest my case.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
'Leaders with the thickest skins on earth'
Our leaders should patronize coffeeshops to get feedback from the rakyat rather then depending on the "4th floor guys" for advice. They never learnt don't they?
Lemon: We have leaders with the thickest skins on earth. When the rakyat can’t even afford to pump gas to go to work and we are turning off lights at home to save on electricity, our leaders have the cheek to announce a so called cost savings plan which still consists of fully paid holidays for ministers without a spending limit, and which ‘only’ confined to Asean countries. What?
If you guys wanted to for a holiday, shouldn’t you pay for your own as opposed to the government seeking additional funding from the rakyat? For goodness sake, the whole bunch of you, please just resign or you will be booted out of office.
Our most ‘caring’ leaders has also chosen to bleed the rakyat first before digging into their own pocket. Cost-cutting plans, which should have been kickstarted long time ago is only proposed now because the rakyat is getting very angry.
Lilian Tan: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's proposed cost-cutting initiatives to placate Malaysians are truly laughable. Why on earth would we be impressed that our ministers can only now go to week-long vacations to Asean and local destinations when the livelihoods of so many Malaysians are in jeopardy?
To show that he feels for the people, the prime minister should sell his RM200 million jet and fly commercial like everyone else. And how about cutting down the number of ministers from 28 to 14 and replacing their gas-guzzling official cars of Mercedes Benzes and BMWs with Proton Perdanas?
Peter Ooi: At first glance Pak Lah's cost cutting exercise looked very impressive. But knowing that even a beggar in China could part with his last coin to donate to those unfortunate earthquake victims, it was not really of a sacrifice on the part of our ministers.
Before the oil price hike, many Malaysians were already living from hand to mouth. Many of the children of the poor have to labour for a few ringgit just to make sure that their families have two simple meals of broth with salted fish. Oh yes, some may even have to skip one daily meal.
Now the prices of goods would definitely rise higher and would make life for them extremely hard. In view of this scenario, limiting our ministers’ holidays to Asean countries is no big deal. Already they are having such good life.
It would be more reasonable to scrap all holidays for them. Remember beggars can part with their last coin for quake victims. Doing away with their holidays would not in any way make them poorer than the beggars.
One more act that Pak Lah should do is to ban ministers from taking their spouses along on overseas trips. Besides that, the PM should also withdraw servants allowances for ministers and top government officials.
In times of difficulties, their wives can help to cook and wash for the husbands. This is not too big a sacrifice for after all the pathetic conditions we are in are a result of their incompetency in managing the country.
Oh yes, Pak Lah, might have conveniently forgotten to scrap prestigious events like the Monsoon Cup and the Formula 1. Those two races are not actually enriching the lives of the poor and average. As I see it, it is more of an occasion for the rich and well-connected to mingle with celebrities.
Dr Krishnarajah: What? Did we queue up during polling day to vote in somebody in so that he can enjoy life like having free overseas holidays, entertainment allowance, police outriders? If I had known this I would have done some apple-polishing and got myself too to stand for elections, never mind even if it is at Tanjong Rambutan.
Who cares who I am supposed to serve? From what I see, the ministers care for no one but themselves and serve no one but only themselves. Now I understand why. Oh dear. No wonder some with lovely careers throw it away and give some pathetic reason that they want to serve the needs of the people and the country and so become ministers and politicians.
I am too disgusted to comment further – when the tiger has already tasted blood, you mean to say it will settle for 7-Up? No way, man.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Ladies n Gentlemen, welcome our own Mr. Oprah (Part1)
1. Cancellation of the Bridge to Singapore
To cut a long story short work on the curved bridge was stopped so that Dato Seri Abdullah’s Government could offer to sell 1 billion cubic metres of sand, and overflight rights for Singapore military aircraft over Johor Baru if Singapore agreed to a straight bridge. Someone stood to make a lot of money selling 50 million cubic metres of sand per year for 20 years to Singapore for land reclamation. This was a very attractive offer as the reclaimed land can sell for 3,000-5,000 Singapore dollars (about RM6,000-RM10,000) per square metre. The Singapore Government stood to make an enormous amount of money selling this land. They therefore agreed to the straight bridge. That dredging sand from the seabed would cause erosion of the coast, destruction of fish breeding grounds and deprive Johore fishermen of their livelihood were not of concern to the Government of Dato Seri Abdullah. Fortunately the Johor people misbehaved. They objected to selling sand and overflights.Abdullah frustrated that his scheme was blocked then punished the Johore people by cancelling the bridge project altogether. No straight bridge, no curve bridge either. The result is that more than RM1 billion have been wasted building the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities, foundation and work on a new railway station, pilings and preliminary works on the road linking the CIQ to the bridge and compensations to the contractors because of the cancellation of the projects. The CIQ building is now a white elephant, unused and yet have to be maintained costing hundreds of thousands of Ringgit a month. Clearly Dato Seri Abdullah has wasted public money. All because he was angry with the Johor people for not enabling one billion cubic metres of sand to be sold to Singapore and the profits thereof.
USA: Tomatoes Could Contain Salmonella
It could happen to you !!
Check out more for Salmonella.
Go green, but don't just over eat grass.
Vegetables and fibers are good for your sex life.
Caesar 3 : Syracusae
The biggest problem is there isn't enough places to build enough farm to feed 4000 people. (Try to salvage as much as possible, even at the edges.)
Since there are only three types of food available (wheat, vegetable and meat), the solution is to build three major residential locations with each having one granary accepting only 1 type of the foods available. Meats have to be imported. Vegetable can grow faster than wheat.
The economy can be prosperous, start trading early, selling weapons and oil will give you plenty of fortunes. However, be sure to be the first mover to import something first before traders will buy something from you.
The biggest challenge is to get enough food in order to attract 4000 people to the city. Build as large a residential area as possible (to make food distribution efficient). Don't try to build more than 2 residential area. Check out this scenario which can only hold up to 3400 people (fall short of 600). Check out the scenario here.
One backup plan is to increase wages as high as possible and decrease tax at the same time. (This will be the last resort when your city has a lot of funds and just waiting for people to come in).
Make your warehouse distribution efficient.
- Keep one warehouse for each item to be imported near to the dock area.
- Keep one warehouse for each item to be exported or used internally in between docks and factory.
At taxpayers’ expense
He hired the best and most expensive builders in the area.” – Neighbours of an MP who claimed that he had also carried out renovations to his house to the tune of RM650,000.
At taxpayers’ expense rakyat? Haven’t we heard of politicians and their wives who go for facelifts and try to look whiter than white when their hearts and minds are blacker than black? And the holidays to tropical islands? No, many of our Datins head to Singapore and then fly to Paris and London to shop. Holidays are accompanying their spouses on lawatan sambil belajar. If such a report had appeared in the Malaysian media, it would not have raised an eyebrow and it would have been pooh-poohed by the powers-that-be who would have declared:
Sekarang dia buat bisnes. Tak kan Adun tak boleh buat bisnes!”
This brings us back home and to reality. It is not in the least suggested that any of our MPs are at it, but in the absence of a public declaration of how funds are used; the rakyat SOUNDS familiar? Don’t we hear of this kind of extravagance all the time? Have we not heard of cikgu and can only let their imagination run wild. The manner in which former Selangor assemblymen spent their annual allocation of RM500,000 within three months has led to speculation and accusations that there was misuse and abuse. Instead of addressing the issue, those involved have chosen to remain silent, leaving the former mentri besar to explain. The case of the expenditure of former Teratai assemblyman Yap Soo Sun is an example. He spent RM494,350 in 44 days. His successor, Jenice Lee, has publicly stated that she suspects foul play and was quoted as saying that RM275,000 went to a small company, with links to a politician. The company has diverse businesses, including construction, catering, cleaning, waste disposal, distribution of stationery, clothes and office equipment. Further investigations revealed that its registered business address is a house in Kampung Baru, Cheras.
So, what’s next? A report has been lodged with the Anti-Corruption Agency, but will anything come out of it? While the law takes its course, what about the party and moral stand it wants to take? Keeping quiet gives the impression that it condones such behaviour or conduct. Are we going to see a repeat of the late Dato' Zakaria Mat Deros, who despite breaking the law, was protected by party leaders who declared:
He is a good leader. We need his services.”
The consequences of such a stance were seen on March 8.
Hasn’t anyone learnt anything yet in 100 days?
Although he is in Zurich, R. Nadeswaran’s heart still is on what’s happening at home. He investigative reporting.
Feedback: citizen-nades@thesundaily.com.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Yes, let us get angry, but about the right things
The blame for the increase in the price of petrol should not be placed on the shoulders of one man and it should be seen within a bigger picture rather than in isolation. Could PM have done anything about it even if he wanted to? Or is PM a victim of circumstances, who anyone who was heading the government today would also have to endure?
It is very easy to blame someone else for our problems. Who, after all, would want to admit that he or she is the problem? And the most unpopular move a government can make is a move that affects your pocket.
Do anything. Kill detainees in the police lockup. Detain political opponents and dissidents without trial on the lame excuse that they are threats to national security. Spend billions of the nation’s money on white elephants and monumental projects. Siphon out billions of Ringgit in ‘commissions’ from government projects and stash the money in numbered Swiss bank accounts. Kill of all the Rainforests. Mess up the environment. In short, do whatever you want. Just don’t put any strain on my pocket. The instant you touch my pocket, then, and only then, will I rise up in anger. That is the mentality of the Malaysian Rakyat.
We should not get upset with the increase in the price of petrol. What we should get upset about is the fact that over 34 years since 1974, Malaysia has earned an estimated RM2 trillion in oil revenue. I say ‘estimated’ because that is the only basis we can use in figuring out what the actual amount is. Petronas’ accounts are not published and are not tabled before Parliament. According to the Petroleum Development Act 1974, Petronas need not make its accounts public. Petronas need not even report to anyone, not even to Parliament. Petronas reports to just one man, the PM of Malaysia.
Petronas is too important to the nation. Petronas is the backbone of the Malaysian economy. Without Petronas this country would be dead. Should something that important be under the control of just one man where even Parliament has no say over it? That is what we should be angry about. We should not be angry that the price of petrol has increased. It is not PM’s fault.
Okay, if we want to still be angry with PM, then let us be angry about the fact that just before the 8 March 2008 general election the government promised the voters that the price of petrol would not be increased. Then, even before 100 days after the general election, they go and increase it. They lied to us. They led us to believe that if we voted for them the price of petrol would not be increased. Then, after 50% or so of Malaysians voted for them, they go and increase the price of petrol. If they had been honest and had said that as soon as the general election is over they will increase the price of petrol, then 50% of Malaysians would not have voted for them. If they had been honest and had said that as soon as the general election is over they will increase the price of petrol, then more than five states would have fallen to Pakatan Rakyat and BN would no longer be the federal government.
Yes, that we can be angry about, if we want to be angry about something. Be angry that they lied to us. Be angry that they got 50% of Malaysians to vote for them under false pretences. But we should not be angry with PM for increasing the price of petrol when he really had no choice in the matter.
I am not angry about the increase in the price of petrol when PM could not avoid increasing it. I am angry that he was forced to increase it. Why was he forced to increase it? And what happened to the estimated RM2 trillion that Petronas has earned over 34 years since 1974? And why are the accounts not made public or tabled before Parliament? Was not Petronas set up through an Act of Parliament via the Petroleum Development Act 1974? Therefore, should not Parliament have the power and authority to demand that Petronas table its accounts before Parliament? Why are the accounts secret? And why should Petronas report to only one man?
Petronas should be turned into a pubic listed company. Petronas should be called Petroleum Malaysia Berhad or Petromas Bhd or PMB and it should be listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange and its accounts should be made public like all other public companies. Then PMB must hold annual general meetings and all shareholders who hold even just one share should be allowed to attend these AGMs and be allowed to ask questions. And the Directors of PMB should be both nominees of the majority shareholders (meaning the government) plus representatives of the minority shareholders (meaning you and me who hold just one share or one lot of shares). And the Directors of PMB (in particular those representing the minority shareholders) should be appointed at the AGMs. And if the shareholders are not happy with the Directors, then the shareholders can remove them via an EGM if the minimum requirements for an EGM are met.
That is what should be done, but is not done, and that is what we should be angry about. We should not be angry about the increase in the price of petrol when the increase is unavoidable and PM has really no other alternative. And we should also be angry about the fact that PM had no alternative but to increase the price of petrol. And we must not forget to also be angry about the matter of the estimated RM2 trillion that Petronas has earned over 34 years since 1974. And we must certainly be angry about the fact that we do not really know how much money Petronas has earned over 34 years since 1974 or what happened to the money. And we must remember to be angry about the fact that Petronas need not table its accounts or report to Parliament and about the fact that only one man, the PM, knows what is going on in Petronas and how much it has really earned and where all that money has gone to.
Oh, and since we are in the mood of getting angry, let us also get angry about the estimated RM30 billion that Terengganu has earned, which we do not know where the money has gone, and about the estimated RM30 billion that Sabah and Sarawak have also earned, which we also do not know where the money has gone. And let us also get angry about the estimated RM1 trillion that Petronas paid the government by way of corporate tax, which we also do not know where the money has gone. Furthermore, let us also get angry about the estimated RM900 billion or so that Petronas did not pay Terengganu, Sabah, Sarawak, or the federal government by way of corporate tax, which we also do not know where the money has gone.
Yes, let us get angry about all that. But let us not get angry about the increase in the price of petrol because this is just the end result of all the other things we should really be angry about but somehow are not. And let us not blame PM for increasing the price of petrol. It is not PM’s fault. He has no alternative but to increase the price of petrol. Instead, we should be angry with ourselves. We kept quiet over 34 years since 1974. We did not care what they did with Petronas over 34 years since 1974. We did not bother to ask what they are doing with the estimated RM2 trillion of Petronas’ money. We did not demand that the public or Parliament get to peep into Petronas’ accounts. We just continued voting for BN over 34 years since 1974 without a care in the world. We should be angry with ourselves for the increase in the price of petrol, not with PM.