Tuesday, May 20, 2008

3-way Poker Game

Isn't it another interesting 3-way poker game? If so, then like the drowning man, it will not surface again from the turbulent, strong waves of tsunami. Then it is curtain’s down! Then, which party will take its place? ONMU Balu Balu? Or Pakatan Racist?
ONMU Balu Balu will not be so “ balu " because it will be ONMU Balu in clothes balu!
Well, there are so many permutations in this political puzzle. The winner will be the one who will be able to put the pieces together and make it whole. If they do not match, there is NO DEAL.
The first question is whether the DPM, will distance himself from the PM. He is indeed in dilemma; and his last meeting with Tun has compounded an already complex problem. Since he is just one heartbeat away, will he risk it by jumping ship before the East Malaysians do so? If he does, then his credibility will take a blow because he has vowed to stick to PL, come what may. On the other hand, if he does not, then other contenders may be able to solve the jigsaw puzzle; and romp home! It is playing high stakes; and it is a winner-takes-all game of poker!
Assuming he sticks to his guns, then the play is between KL and AI; DPM is out of the game. If PL survives the political earthquake, and still holds his position, the game is over between KL and AI. But the rumblings in the East Malaysian States are getting louder by the day; and the volcanic eruption is about to take place. AI has already dangled some juicy carrots for the East Malaysian MPs--- one DPM, several Ministers of high -profile positions, 20% oil royalty, adherence to the 20-point, Pre-Malaysia Agreement, solving the outstanding illegal immigration issue, among others ---and hence has a good chance of getting their support. Could PL up the stakes? Very unlikely, because he has to take care of his own party members.
Once the earthquake erupts, assuming it does, it is AI who will be the de facto PM, though Mrs. AI, will helm the Federal Government! AI could become a Senator and be the man behind the scenes--- the puppeteer. Will it be in August or just before September 16th--- the expiry date? Nobody knows when the lightning will strike!
Watch out for June and July or maybe August. We need not wait until December for the ONMU elections! By then the wayang will be over; and the curtain will come down!
- Siew Hock Huang

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